
Friday 24 June 2011

Buddy Writing

Today we did some buddy writing with room 7. We helped them to re-craft their writing samples. This is me and my buddy Lauren . I hope we get to do this again, it was fun!

The cars were smashing together with the boats. Lots of people were praying so that the Tsunami can stop doing damage.

They was sea water charging though the houses and buildings which were making them collapsing down.

People were talking about the the terrible event that had caused a shocking mess. They say that Tsunami's is a devastation weather were people are easily killed.

People were crying and shouting to find there love ones. Some people were yelling to call for there lost. The people of Japan had all been praying. One girl was running for her life but it was too late the salty sea had already torn her out to the underground world.

I think tsunami’s are a dangerous event because it can deadly blow thing away and can cause a lot of damage. People were very sad at how there home town had been destroyed.

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